Monday 11 June 2012


My opinion towards going to school has changed. In the past. I didn't like going to school, because I think studying is very hard and troublesome. I really hate studying, the reason is my teacher didn't like me, I am tired of learning. Untilone day, one of my teacher who really like me, took me to the office. She talked to me, told me not to waste my time and my parents money, she told me about her past experience learning. Before I will not go to the library, now I will go to the library once every two weeks. Before I did not read books that I am not interested in, now I try to read all kinds of books, now I will follow my teacher's instructions, and be a good student.

Thursday 24 May 2012


Badminton is a very good game, you just need have a big playing space, 2 or 4 players, badminton bridie, and badminton racquet. I can teach to you about how to play badminton, because I think my badminton skills are not bad. I can teach you how to win your match. If you want to play two by two, I will teach you badminton skills and how to control the game . So if you need, you can find me.
Here are the basic rules for badminton. In oder to win, the player must get 21 points for each round, and they need to win two rounds. If the round is at 20 - 20, in oder to win you must get two points in a row.


On Wednesday, Mr. J took the students to Vancouver. I had 4 hours of free time. I went to lunch and shopping. After dinner, we saw a movie, the name is <<The Avergers>>. This is a very good movie.

That day, we had to be at school at 7:45 am, we took the school bus to the ferry terminal, the ferry ride was 90 minutes. We arrived in downtown Vancouver at about 11:20am. We went to the hotel to drop off our bags. Then we went shopping. I bought a pair of shoes. We ate Chinese food for lunch. We had to be at the hotel at 4:00 pm to get our dinner money, that night we ate Japanese food. After dinner we met up at 9:00 pm to watch a movie. We went back to the hotel at 11:00pm. On Thursday we went to visit sea animals. After lunch, we arrived at the ferry terminal at about 4:00pm. When I got home at was about 7:30pm.

Monday 14 May 2012

Nature blog

I went to Mystic Vale, a lot people took their dog to Mystic Vale. I asked the lady if I can pet her dog, the dog was very soft, the dog was barking happly. I saw the owl mother on top of a very big tree, the owl baby was sleepping. The owl mother's sound was not very attracting. I use a pen to touch the slug. It was a very gross feeling. I smelled the fresh air, and smelled the soil.

The slug is like snot.                                                                                           Tree is like a home.
The texture is like a snail.                                                                            A place for brids to live in.
The slug is like poo.                                                                                            Happniess and fun.

Monday 30 April 2012

Balloon Debate

Character: Mozart

My name is Mozart. In my opinon I need to stay, on the balloon. I have reasons to explain why I must stay on the balloon.

Firstly. I am a famous musician, my famous work is Requien. If I die, many of fans will jump from the top of a building.

Secondly, I have composed over 600 works. If I stay, I will compose many more music for my fans.

Thridly, I have a good father, he very love me, since I was a boy, my father spent alot of time to teach me about music, I can not make him sad.

Finally, I am a musician, I should die by my piano and not in the ocean, I am very certian of this!

For these reasons, I should not be the one who dies, I stay have music to write for my fans.